The Annual |
Saturday 5th November 2011 at 1500hrs |
Glebe Music Festival |
In conjunction with The Glebe Society Inc
Saturday 5th November at 1500hrs,
Ibert - Entract Richard Charlton - Sonata Charlton - Walk in the Rain Satie - Gymnopedie Interval Pujol - Suite de Buenos Aires Piazzola - Histoire de Tango Joseph Eisinger will play the Prelude from the Sixth Suite of Bach's solo suites for cello at the beginning of the concert.
Biography: Giuseppe is known for his passionate performances of romantic guitar repertoire by 19th Century Italian composers and is also an aficionado of South American and contemporary Australian guitar composition. In 2003, Giuseppe was appointed to the staff of the Newcastle Conservatorium of Music, where he is currently the Guitar Co-ordinator, lecturing in guitar. He regularly performs charity work on behalf of organisations including Amnesty International, Father Chris Riley’s Youth-off-the- Streets, War Child Aid, The National Breast Cancer Foundation, the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme and the Festival of San Giuseppe. Victoria also enjoys being actively involved in contemporary and Australian music. She works closely with many Australian composers to
commission and help create new compositions, as well as regularly performing and recording new music. Since 2005, Victoria has been working freelance with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Sydney Philharmonia Orchestra, Chronology Arts, Halcyon, Ilythian Ensemble, the Lurline Chamber Orchestra and the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra, alongside many performances
and recordings for musicals, various pop artists and film productions.